More About Me:
Every time when there is raining I have a hope in my heart that there will be a rain-bow after that. Looking at the rain-bow I managed to find more than 7 colors in it and to be not single woman. Every day opens a lot of new things for us, and I am happy to have an opportunity to wake up every morning. Life is great and I do not like to waste it on the bad mood. My life is full of different bright colors and my moto of life is: Smile! And this smile will come back to you!
My Ideal Match:
When you wake up from a kiss of your beloved, when you make a breakfast for your beloved in his T-short, when you smile without any reason, when you hear simple: I love my wife, when you want to do something unexpected and unusual... this is a real happiness. You are not lonely, you have support, you have assurance that your close person is beside any time. You are not afraid to tell or ask something stupid, or to do something wrong.