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Photo of beautiful Ukraine  Julia with light-brown hair and grey eyes - 27873
Personal Information ID: 27873
Age: 33
Zodiac: Virgo
City: Donezk
Country: Ukraine
Looking For An Age Group: 18 - 80
Height: 5'3" = 160cm
Weight: 104 lbs = 47 kg
Eyes: grey
Hair: light-brown
Education: College
Religion: Other
Marital Status: Single
Kids: none
English Proficiency: Basic
Languages: English

More About Me:

I am single woman who is looking for a strong and carrying man. I want to love and to be loved, I want to show you the whole feeling I have, and to make you happy. I am a real ukrainian girl who just need to be protected by a kind man. What is carrying and kindness for you? As for me you can easily ask me and i will answer to you honestly, my heart is open for new relation and new feelings.

My Ideal Match:

I decided to post my profile on this popular dating site to find sweet, strong, sensible, kind and gentle man. I really want to please him with my creativity. I want us to complement each other. I am loyal person and do not care about the religion, sexuality or color of skin. I really want to know you better. So if you want to meet a single woman online - I am here.

Ladies Online

Age: 30
Age: 31
Age: 30
Age: 37
Age: 39

Member comments...

I’m afraid I will get married soon. To tell the truth I am surprised that I started thinking about it just after 5 months we’ve been together with my girlfriend. She has moved to Hannover from Kiev and we have had wonderful time. Unfortunately her visa doesn’t allow her to stay here permanently. But I am sure we will be together despite all the obstacles. I love you my kitten, my Olesya!
Thomas H., Germany
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